The warrior with the brown eyes has returned for a renewed gaming experience. Adventure awaits!
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Level Ranking
- Letty Level: 215
- Hemiko Level: 215
- Pitty Level: 215
- HyunOkwon Level: 215
- 0kmugawon Level: 215
- TRagnar Level: 215
- Hyun0kwon Level: 215
- Plastikman Level: 215
- Okmugawon Level: 215
- JustCam Level: 215
- BAYCE Level: 215
- ValenTino Level: 215
- Ragnar Level: 214
- LisaLisa Level: 213
- Ardile Level: 213
- Forgiven Level: 212
- Ciro Level: 212
- GUNEY Level: 211
- Cringer Level: 211
- Wakataa Level: 211
- Dioxx Level: 211
- Aslaug Level: 210
- FlippingDong Level: 210
- Camataru Level: 210
- Jonas Level: 210
Dien Ranking
- JockStain
- Cringer
- Okmugawon
- Isabella
- Gotham
- SinisterMage
- Zyke
- LightFury
- Hemiko
- Dawid
- PepeLucho
- LilGingerBoy
- Arek
- Ragnar
- Alexandra
- Grajek
- Buzzboy
- Ardile
- Finna
- Kyosho
- Buzzgirl
- ValenTino
- Uncle
- BabaShopper
- Reventson
Guild Ranking
- Divinity Score: 9433
- NWO Score: 5014
- <-BrotherHood-> Score: 4663
- Pax Score: 4462
- V I K I N G S Score: 3640
- Chosen Few Score: 2892
- ACTIVE Score: 2584
- FORZA Score: 1962
- Bractwo Score: 1847
- JusticeLeague Score: 1628
- Dot15 Score: 1395
- Xantus Jancsi Score: 1296
- Xsv Score: 1163
- HellFish Score: 818
- Forsaken Score: 741
- MM Score: 685
- SIGMA Score: 497
- The Immortals Score: 481
- Venom Score: 426
- BadBoyz Score: 358
- Angelic Score: 335
- 1776 Score: 320
- Pokemon Score: 276
- GM Score: 210
- GMTest Score: 210