Combos are used to increase all kind of stats for your avatar.
These are made by placing items in the free 2x3 area.
View all available combinations in our Thang Database, click below! for more information
Golden Seed of Yen (+0)
This can be acquired at the pot lady shops in Yerden and Rian village.
Golden Cuspid of Buya / Golden Feather of Hawk / … are also found there.
Golden Seed of Yen +1
can be either bought at Nusamlatana Lady (for lune) or be refined from a Gold Seed of Yen (+0)
what gold you refine.
Golden seed of Yen +2
To aquire this, you have to refine it from a Golden Seed of Yen+1.
When you obtain one of the Golden SoY+2 you can make yourself the 20/20 combo.
You can see the gold Seed of Yen refines will need: Seed of Yen (ohra) or also known as 'soy cubes'
when refining a Golden Cuspid of Buya, you wil need Cuspid of Buya (tar) or also known as ‘buya cubes’
This continues like this for all following golden materials.
what gold you refine.
2x Golden Feather of Hawk +2
2x Golden Cuspid of Buya +2
2x Golden Seed of Yen +2
This combination is reffered to as ‘Super’ combo. This provides you the 27/27 combo.
Golden Seed of Yen +3
To aquire this, you have to refine it from a Golden Seed of Yen+2.
some need Ruby or Sapphire.
When you acquire 1x Golden +3
- Seed of Yen
- Cuspid of Buya
- Feather of Hawk
- Blood of vina
- Wooden doll
- Mustache of Danki
This combo is referred to as ‘Beast' combo.
You can make different combinations to improve stats you want, for more information